2013 Top 1000 and 350 Research package
The Research package includes data for:
- Top 1000 Canadian Publically traded companies
- Top 350 Private Canadian companies
- Top 1000 Canadian companies CEO compensation
We also offer custom data queries and historical data back to 1974 on special request. Email us at enterprisesales@globeandmail.com to find out more.
What it can do for you:
- Track which companies are leading and trailing
- Offer competitive intelligence
The companies ranked are the 1,000 largest publicly traded Canadian corporations, measured by assets. They are ranked according to their after-tax profit in their most recent fiscal year, excluding extraordinary items. As seen in the July/August 2013 issue of Report on Business magazine, your Top 1000 spreadsheet file includes the following:
- Profit rank 2012, 2011
- Company name and year-end
- Footnotes
- Profit in $000 and % change
- Revenue in $000, rank and % change
- Total assets in $000, rank and % change
- Market capitalization in $mil.
- Dividend yield
- Price-to-earnings per share ratio
- Price-to-sales per share ratio
- Cash flow per share
- Debt-to-equity ratio
- Earnings per share: current, 1-year previous and 2 -years previous
- Return on common equity: 1-year %, rank, 5-year % and rank
- Return on capital: 1-year %, rank, 5-year % and rank
- Number of employees
- Industry
- Major shareholder(s)
- Head office city
- Province
- Postal code
- Phone number
- Stock symbol
- C.E.O. (or top officer)
Please note that complete mailing address is not included.
Companies that do not issue publicly traded shares are a huge part of the Canadian economy. Many are subsidiaries of multinationals or are family-owned. We rank them by revenue, the one significant measure they disclose. As seen in the July/August 2013 issue of Report on Business magazine, your Biggest 350 Private Companies spreadsheet file includes the following:
- Revenue rank
- Company name and year-end
- Footnotes
- Industry
- Revenue in $000
- Return on capital: 1-year % and rank
- Profit in $000
- Total assets in $000
- Major shareholder(s)
- Head office city
- Province
- Postal code
- Phone number
- C.E.O. (or top officer)
Please note that complete mailing address is not included.
The list has the total compensation of each CEO for the companies in the 2012 Top 1000. Compensation values are presented as found in the company\92s latest management information circular or proxy circular, if available.
- Profit rank 2012
- Company name and year-end
- Footnotes
- Profit in $000
- Chief Executive Officer
- Salary
- Options Based Compensation
- Incentive Plans
- Pension Value
- Other Compensation
- Total Compensation