2014 Report on Business Top 1000 10-year Historical Financials Package *NEW*
The companies ranked are the 1,000 largest publicly traded Canadian corporations, measured by assets. They are ranked according to their after-tax profit in their most recent fiscal year, excluding extraordinary items. As seen in the July/August 2014 issue of Report on Business magazine, your Top 1000 10- year spreadsheet file includes the following:
- Top 1000 Profit Rank Current
- Previous Profit Rank
- Company Name & Latest Year-end
- Year being Reported - 10 years
- Reported Period length (12M, 52W, 36M, etc...) - 10 years
- Reporting Currency - 10 years
- Profit/Loss ($000) - 10 years
- % Change in profit/loss - 10 years
- Revenue ($000) - 10 years
- % Change in revenue - 10 years
- Total Assets ($000) - 10 years
- % Change in assets - 10 years
- Earnings per Share - 10 years
- Return on Capital - 10 years
- Return on Capital 5 year average - 10 years
- Return on Common Equity - 10 years
- Return on Common Equity 5 year average - 10 years
- Debt / Equity - 10 years
- Book Value per Share - 10 years
- CEO Name
- CEO Title
- Address
- City
- Prov
- Country
- Postal Code
- Phone
- Corporate web address
Please note that complete mailing address is not included.